Andrea Kostyal

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[Image Description] Street scene with courthouse in distance. Colors are cool blues and purples highlighted by vibrant greens. Textures blend into one another and are very soft along the edges.This mixed media oil art work shows a street leading to a building in the distance. On the left there appear to be shops along the street. The image is crafted with a variety of beautiful colors including blues, reds, purples, yellows, greens. The sky in the distance is a mix of blues, light blues, and purples.

Mixed Media Oil, 12x12 inches


[Image Description] Impressionistic rendering of a cityscape with a very deep field of view. Two people stand near the front of the frame. The painting is colored by very cold blues and yellows. Dark blue highlights drip down the canvas across the entire painting.

Mixed Media Oil, 48x48 inches


[Image Description] Mixed media oil painting including collage images of a city scape with people in a crowd. The colors used are yellows, oranges, greens, blues, blacks, grays, and browns. The crowd moving, some with luggage, are mostly in blues, tans and blacks. The city portrayed on the left side is white, blue, with yellow tops to the ornate buildings. The image on the right is possibly a church, in green and blue with a yellow top.

Mixed Media Oil, 24x24 inches


[Image Description] An open street with people walking. The buildings are colored with a muted mix of green and yellow that juxtaposes with the bright blue of the sky peeking between two buildings. Dark orange bubbles float over the scene.

Mixed Media Oil, 36x36 inches

Andrea Kostyal

Andrea moved to Hattiesburg in 2008. Her dreamlike paintings are inspired by urban landscape and nature that reflect experiences from her childhood and young adulthood. She grew up in a small town in Europe where playing outdoors and gardening were commonplace. Later, she studied art and textiles in an artistically and culturally rich city in Hungary filled with beautiful historic buildings and architectural masterpieces. Her craving of dynamic city life, the sense of the streets’ atmosphere suggests that her paintings investigate the natural environment and their connections with man-made structures in harmony.

She enjoys composing her carefully planned transferred photographs of street views of Mississippi towns and cities, as well as places she has visited. Playful bubbles permeate the whole painting in poetic movement on the canvas, reflecting her feelings and moods.